Marjorie is a generally apathetic girl, and comes off as moody and tired of it all. She also has a short temper and lashes out frequently.
She has dark brown hair and a pale complexion. She has freckles on each of her cheeks, and her eyelashes are relatively long, as she wears eyeliner. She wears a ragged blue sweater, which most likely used to be her mother's.
When she was very young, Marjorie traveled with her parents in a trailer. However, she was removed from them and was adopted by her now adpotive father, for which she holds a strong distain for. She didn't have any friends at her new school for a while, until she became friends with Melanie, and later Clyde in high school. She met Garcia some years after this, who she became reluctant friends at first, but eventually became creeped out by him too and betrayed him one day in gym class.
(don't ask how I know all of this, I just remember the episode well.)