Garcia, at first glance, appears like a bomb-loving psycho. In actuality, though, he is pretty intelligent, and the "psycho" act is a ruse. He can be a bit impulsive despite this. He also has a tendency to be obsessive, though it is rarely shown in the series.
Garcia is tall, with curly long black hair. He has some piercings, though is primarily seen with only a lip ring. He has black eyeliner and (if I knew how to draw fingernails) he would have black nail polish. In a majority of his drawings, he is grinning.
He lives with his strict mom. His dad, who was the more funloving of the two, died in the military while on the job as an explosives technician. Garcia discovered his father's work some years after he died, much to the shagrin of his mom. Regardless, he looked through it and fell in love with the devices, it soon becoming his special interest. He met Ellie one day randomly after she had ran away from home, and despite their clashing personalities they soon became close friends. Some years later he met Regina and fell into a one-sided relationship with her, but he broke up with her shortly after realizing her manipulative ways. This most likely led to him having an emo phase. After he recovered, however, he decided to keep the look as he just liked it a lot. Along with this, he (and Ellie) still decided to work for her as they needed the money, essentially becoming her henchman...henchmen...whatever.
MOM: Strict and sometimes overbearing due to her trauma, but very much loves her son. Alive.
DAD: Passionate and optimistic, but stubborn as well. Deceased; died on the job as a bomb technician.
MARJORIE: At the beginning of the series when Garcia first started going to her highschool, they were originally planned to be a couple, and Garcia had a crush on her. However, after her petty betrayal of him during gym class (and as I found their pairing to be unbearable) his crush disappeared and he now currently hates her.
CLYDE: Thinks he's a lot kinder than Marjorie for sure. Not necessarily friends but they get along.
ELLIE: Despite their opposing personalities and her general bossyness, is very close friends with her. Is likely still alive because of her. May or may not be in love.
ROSIE: She acts like an older sister figure to him. He thinks she's tough.
STEVIE: Garcia just thinks he's an airhead.
In nearly all of his paper iterations, he's had some kind of spooky sock. In his October 2022 version, he was wearing orange jack-o-lantern socks. In his December 2022 version, he wore Ghostface socks. I may give him bat socks this year.
I think he could be GNC!
The rough yet unique style from the first few months of the series is akin to how he draws people.
He is neurodivergent! He has dyscalculia. He is also (most likely) autistic, though his first iteration would not be the best representation of this.
He has an ENTP personality.
His erratic behavior may come from his want to keep things interesting... hence why he talks about explosions every couple of minutes.
I think he gets scared of horror movies very easily.
Iteration One
The Paper Doll Collection
The original Garcia (left) and Ellie (right) paper dolls. October, 2022.
The updated Garcia and Ellie paper dolls, and their original expressions. November, 2022.Garcia, thinking he's rich. November, 2022.
The new paper dolls, with different expressions. January 1st, 2023.
The School Project Collection
Toddler Garcia learns a lesson. December, 2022.Toddler Garcia nearly causes a nuclear fallout. December, 2022.
Young Garcia gets into some tire "shenanigans". December, 2022.That is a lot more than three. December, 2022.
The Rec Room Collection
A Garcia Valentine's Day card. January, 2023.Another Garcia Valentine's Day card, using the same joke. January, 2023.Garcia, confused. January-Feburary, 2023.
May 2023 Collection
An Garcia and Ellie drawing, in metallic marker.
Iteration 2
Sketchbook 2023 Collection
Garcia (right) and Ellie (left) having swapped clothes. September 8-9, 2023.A Garcia sketchpage. September 8-9, 2023.Sketch of a mildly concerned Garcia (left) and a furious Ellie (right) October 23, 2023Garcia getting a bright idea. Ellie is very disapproving. October 27, 2023.Garcia, in a pair of Ghostface socks, as an homage to his original design. October 28, 2023.
The January Collection
Garcia being a nuisance. January 8, 2024.Garcia and Ellie, being surprised, in two different ways. January 8(?), 2024.
May 2024 Collection
Garcia and Ellie. May 8, 2024.
July 2024 (Modern) Collection
A Garcia and Ellie sketch page. July 24, 2024.Modern Garcia, holding up three fingers, the new logo of the Take 3 series. July 25, 2024Profile photo of Garcia. July 30, 2024.